The Junkoactive Wasteman & The Tin Can Twins

The Junkoactive Wasteman & The Tin Can Twins. A trio of self-proclaimed junkophilic, electro tin can playing, robo dancing ex freelance binmen who drowned in a barrel of toxic waste but were saved by tin cans which fused to their bodies. No longer man, but part man part tin can.

The Junkoactive Wasteman, self proclaimed junkophile. World's 1st ever Tinphonia player. Playing chopped up samples and live breaks. Whilst working as a freelance bin man, relentlessly picking litter in the backstreets, he drowned in a barrel of toxic waste but was saved by tin cans which fused to his body. No longer a bin man, but part man, part tin can.


Unbeknown to The Junkoactive Wasteman, two rival freelance bin men followed his tin can trail and fell into the very same barrel of toxic waste. In so doing, they became the mega dance duo they are today . . . “The Tin Twins”.


Jayne Dent


Chelsea Bridge